Location: Discord General Voice Channel
Meeting Minute Writer: Asa Dahlborn
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DVGXuDNTL9gRhdvVDs82Tns2tjD3qJ_eOloRehtypsw/edit
- Grant committee selection process
- Three phases
- Phase 1:
- Intro application letter in the forum
- The community can ask questions in the application thread
- Likes to show support
- One category for grant reviewers and one for the project lead position
- Phase 2:
- 20 ≤ likes on the application letter –> multiple-choice poll with different grant reviewer/project lead candidates
- Each voter is required to vote for four candidates in the grant reviewer poll
- One vote in the project lead poll
- Trust level 1 required for voting
- Threshold for voting?
- We will simply proceed with top 10
- Phase 3:
- Firefly vote
- Question 1: Who should become the Grant committee Lead?
- Candidates 1-4: main grant reviewers
- Candidates 5-10: backup list
- Question 2: Who should be a grant reviewer?
- The winner becomes the lead
- The second and third candidates don’t automatically become grant reviewers (the vote for reviewers is what matters for that).
- Candidates for back-up should be KYC:d to be ready in case needed
- If people want to be a grant reviewer if they don't become a lead, they need to do two applications - one for the grant reviewer position and one for the project lead position.
- The principles of the Shimmer governance framework should also apply to the selection of the grant committee members
- The quorum for the votes is 5% of all tokens used for the voting
- Theoretically, every person has its own quorum
- Due to a technical limitation, we can’t add all the candidates into one vote and thus need to split in separate questions and events
- We shouldn’t restrict an event that doesn’t reach the quorum to not be eligible
- A statement of delegation should be added in order for the votes together to reach the 5% quorum