Location: Discord General Voice Channel
Meeting Minute Writer: Laura Kajtazi
**Link: **https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qFklWdLF_iQDeFBI1zNSP4u2asp8I5lYcqeRrWB6-X8/edit
Shimmer Governance Meeting 22/11/2022
Legal Establishment of the organization
- Idea to set up the Shimmer community association and grow it over time
- Having the Swiss association gives more flexibility. We can start with a set of rules now and amend and determine another structure later on. In contrast if we would plan the set up based on for e.g. the Marshall island law it will relate more to US regulation and would not be as flexible and resilient as having the Swiss Association
- Committee members could be members of the organization of the tier
- One focus for the future is to make the community more independent
- Starting with the association and having a transitionary period is a good possibility to move more smoothly towards a real DAO (as such up until then the IF could carry its experience to project and some point leave to let the community be an independent and more stable organization)
- Setting up the association would also be a faster option than setting up a LC. Based on the past experience of the IF it took approx. 6 weeks
- Membership in the association and processing the yearly assembly could be done via smart contracts. Once a year there would be a vote on the statutes
- To view a model framework for the Swiss Association blockchain bases please see the following document posted on discord https://discord.com/channels/397872799483428865/930627826581905408/1044624861441564682
- Version three of the framework to be created
- Anyone that is interested helping reviewing version 2 framework and make any adjustments for version 3 is welcome to do so
- The Group is aligned that we will go ahead with the Option of the swiss association independent of the TEA. Aim to first set the major points and move step by step to a real DAO
- Change from the swiss gmbh to the swiss association and taking out the token investment aspect
- Phylo will ask for feedback from the lawyer on the Swiss association
Grant Committee Grant Reviewer/Project Lead selection
- No more than '1' people in one project