Location: Discord General Voice Channel
Meeting Minute Writer: Asa Dahlborn
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DVGXuDNTL9gRhdvVDs82Tns2tjD3qJ_eOloRehtypsw/edit
Community development consultants for the treasury
- The idea is that developers in our community could indicate that they would be interested to be called in on demand for code reviews the community treasury needs help with
- The sign-up form would state information such as desired compensation per hour and developer skills and experience
- Link to Google form for sign-up
- Please check it out - feedback is welcome
- Relevant when the treasury is operating -> not urgent
Grant application project budget-milestone breakdown
- The grant applicants will need to provide a proper business plan - the higher the grant, the more detailed the plan - to justify the budget needed for the milestones
- Regarding vendors that will be used for applications etc., the applicants need to be upfront and provide a list of consultants
- Also important to avoid conflicts of interest
- An alpha version that already includes the governance voting functionality and NFT functions will be released for the weekend.
- The next step would be beta testing
- If this happens on time, the plan to have the governance votes on Firefly by the beginning of December seems feasible
- Ledger review pending
Grant Committee Grant Reviewer/Project Lead selection
- 20 candidates for Grant Reviewers and 2 for Project Lead so far