Location: Discord General Voice Channel
Time: 09:00 am EST
Meeting Minute Writer: Laura Kajtazi
Link to Minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xw3nl6FnCSKYwI-9POkz8Q7vyh6QqH67qGPy6sHVWhg/edit
Next Meeting: 17**-**December, 2022
- [ ] Phylo work on update to communicate to community. (Waiting on clarification to work under the TEA).
- [ ] Phylo (if he is updated at the status of the TEA umbrella possibility) will put up version 3 of Treasury framework. *Note: He was not updated.
- [x] Werner - Will write up an article about Strategic Funding.
- [x] DeepSea (JD Sutton) - to organize questions and send to Lichtenstein firm. Schedule Liechtenstein firm for Tuesday 20-December at 5 pm CET time.
- [ ] Phylo - to confirm if Anja can make it to one of our meetings.
Governance call 15.12.2022
- In today's governance call Paolo a European lawyer very well versed with NFT regulation has been invited to reply to questions on establishing an an legal entity in Switzerland, Marshall Island or Lichtenstein
- Initial consultation is free of charge
- Paolos Session shall serve more of as an overview session.
Establishment of an organization with limited liability
- Project proposal is voted by the community
- What does liability protection mean for people who vote with tokens
- By using straight tokens what country are best suited for creating a DAO
- In Switzerland a company can be created with limited liability. What else happens you will be covered