Location: Discord General Voice Channel
Time: 09:00 am EST
Meeting Minute Writer: Deep Sea (JD Sutton) & Laura Kajtazi
Link to Minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RMqzYL5gu3zH2Ia-pKwpWl_mUTMkcv_-l6sUnUs62Hg/edit
Next Meeting: 10-January, 2023
- [ ] Ask Paolo to see if he can create a service provider contract.
- [ ] Phylo to add how to update Treasury Framework.
- Discussed Version 4 of Shimmer Community Treasury Framework
- Discussed and confirmed about following voting schedule predefined in Governance framework. We will “try” to follow this schedule; however, once Firefly goes live we will not delay the Phase III vote, we will adjust the voting rounds once things go live.
- Discussed creating a service provider contract to make sure everything is clear and concise.
- Discussed to add how the Treasury Framework is updated, and to follow the Governance Framework.
- Once Phase III of candidates go live, there will be a Governance channel like Firefly-Support where the community can have discussions with candidates.
Shimmer Grant Framework
- Update Shimmer Grant Committee reviewed
- Proposal is too long so Phylo added an introduction
- TEA Template has been taken and things have been amended to Marshall Island like. Generally no big changes, it has been just shortened a bit and adapted to Marshall Islands (fees for lawyer, replacing Switzerland through Marshall Island, etc)
- Idea expressed that once the grant receiver submits they automatically sign the contract stating that we only fund what we layout the grant.
- If a community wants to terminate the contract with a grant receiver or if the grant receiver does not perform, we have included in the framework a legal protection in the framework by the ability to signing off the contract. This would protect liability