Location: Discord General Voice Channel
Time: 09:00 am EST
Meeting Minute Writer: Deep Sea (JD Sutton)
**Link to Minutes: NA
Next Meeting: 10-January, 2023**
- [x] Confirm with group to work under Tangle Ecosystem Association.
- [x] Complete Treasury Entity Creation
- [x] Discuss if we should create a GDPR / Privacy Agreement for accepting Proposal Applications
- [x] Start working on Operating Agreement
- [x] Will get quote from Paolo for support on: Operating Agreement, GDPR/Privacy Agreement, KYC/AML policy.
- [x] Discuss how to cover legal expense, entity creation fee, etc. to create the Treasury DAO entity.
- [x] Finalize and confirm process of how Smart Contract payouts will occur (for proposals, committee payments, expenses, etc.) while working under the TEA, and when working as an entity.
- [x] Finalize Committee application process.
- [x] To clarify, can reviewers take part in Bounty Programs or submit proposals for the good of the Treasury? For example, let’s say someone is really good at making web pages, could they submit a proposal to make a web page for the Treasury?
- [x] Add MPC Tangle Pay Governance discussion.
- We discussed and will form in the Marshall Islands.
- We discussed and will seek Paolo for representing us when developing the Marshall Island Entity, Operating Agreement, KYC/AML, and GDPR policy.
- Legal costs for building the Marshall Islands Operating Agreement will be covered by Dom, TEA, or DeepSea (JD).
- Confirmed 100% we can work under the TEA until the Marshall Island.
- Until we have EVM and Smart-Contracts we will use Gnosis multisig wallet.
- Need to confirm, that a committee member can submit a proposal to the Treasury, they just can not take part in the decision making process. Though the Program Lead can not do this.
- Phylo to update Treasury Framework.
- Discusses MPC Tangle Pay and potential governance management. There are some concerns and it is a good thought process, but a lot more to process and talk about. No rush here. Of course, Discourse is always open to anyone submit a Phase I proposal if they would like. Phylo suggested looking at Cosmos in regards to validator community requirements and management.